22nd December 2024

Search Elvaston Parish Council

Serving the people of Elvaston, Ambaston, Thulston & Boulton Moor



For those who may not already be aware, the South Derbyshire Community Safety Partnership has a Safer Neighbourhoods funding stream available to assist neighbourhood groups develop projects to help reduce crime, disorder and the fear of crime in our communities.

The Safer Neighbourhood fund for the whole of South Derbyshire is £24,000 per year, which equates to £4,000 per neighbourhood area. The maximum grant one project can apply for is £2,500. Projects requesting an amount of more than £500 will require match funding.

Please follow the link below to the online application form and feel free to share this with any other South Derbyshire based community groups that you feel may benefit from this funding: -

Area Forums | South Derbyshire District Council

Informal enquiries are most welcome and can be made by emailing community.safety@southderbyshire.gov.uk or by calling Chris Smith, Communities Team Manager on 01283 595924.